Rückblick: Workshop am Mittwoch, 20. September 2017
Bluesguitar-Workshop Advanced
Mag. Christian Stiftinger
„If you don´t know the blues… there´s no point in picking up the guitar and playing rock and roll or any other form of popular music“ – Keith Richards
Leitung: Mag. Christian Stiftinger
3-teilig. Beginn 20.9.2017
19.00 – 21.30 Uhr
Workshop-Beitrag: € 90,–
3 Termine: 20.9.; 5.10. und 9.11.
Anmeldung unter zkure@servus.at
Abschluss-Jam 10.11. ab 20.00 Uhr (Eintritt frei)
Inhalt des Workshops
- Jazzblues Basics, String Skipping, Diminished Scale, Walking Bass, Turnarounds, Comping
- Scales: Dorian, Mixolydian, HT-GT, GT-HT, Lydian b7, Blues, Harmonic Minor, Locrian, Melodic Minor,
- Chords: 7th, 6th, 9, add 9, 13, maj7, sus4, minor 7th, m7b5, m9, alt., dim.
- Intervalltraining
- Rhythmikübungen
- Solotechniken: Chromatik, Intervalle, Inside/Outside
- Songs: E. Clapton (Before you accuse me), J. L. Hooker (Boom Boom Boom) G. Moore (Walking by myself)